i'm not a writer & i don't have the talent 2 do this tea party table.

i am a collector of images, a scrapbooker.
this is a japanese table setting & it's cool 2 see how other cultures set a pretty table.

i love flags & the red, white, & blue, & especially the little mini belt with the buckle 2 hold the napkin. "bewteen naps on the porch" is a big blog and the hostess of tabletop thursdays. her tabletop uses flags & red, white, & blue in the most incredible way. check it out here.

a table setting in nantucket. it's so pretty. love the blue flowers.

how cute 2 paint the mini pumpkins gold. & i like the fork turned over.

this is done by beach bungalow 8. the lime as place card is witty.
june is wedding month, & this is like the audrey hepburn of tables.

time 2 take it outside & i like this table with all the colors.

this is by eddie ross who is the king of setting tables.

maybe one day when i get some dishes i'll try 2 make a tabletop on thursday for u.
4 now all i can give u r pretty images & some ideas.

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