Co2 saver house designed by Peter Kuczia, located in Lake Laka, Poland.
Using untreated larch wood and black fibre cement panels to optimise solar energy gain, this lake house in Poland is a pretty good example of how to be sustainable and respectful with the environment.

The built form is designed to optimise the absorbance of solar energy. Approximately 80% of the building envelope is facing south direction. The single storey living space on the ground floor is externally clad with untreated larch boarding. The passive and active solar energy concepts and a high standard of thermal insulation are enhanced by a ventilation plant with thermal recovery system. The house consumes only about 1/10 of the average energy use of the existing single-family houses in Poland.

Architect: Peter Kuczia
Location: Lake Laka, Poland
Area: 175sqm
Construction year: 2007
Usage: Single family house
Materials: Wood, Fibre cement

More Information about Co2 saver house [via] modern house design.
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