Wednesday, December 9, 2009

new blog radio show starting in 2010 - the skirted vanity table

have you heard?
have you heard it all?!

it's the latest vanity project! a blog radio show!

it's called the skirted vanity table.
only one person can sit at the vanity table. so u can't come. or u. or u or u!
the skirted vanity personality looks in the mirror & talks to the mirror.

maybe a hair brush can be used for a microphone. tap tap tap. speak into the mike.

of course if u sit a the skirted vanity table u must sit on the skirted vanity stool. it's a hot seat!
let's see. maybe the skirted vanity can ask some other tables to come on the show & discuss discuss discuss what it's like 2 be a table.
but only if ur a semi famous table or ur in with the table in crowd.
& u can't be controversial. u have to pucker up & be an ass kiss.
of course no swearing allowed. & never show ur real self. pretend blog personalities r only allowed, so leave reality out of it.
of course no dishing allowed when the microphone is on. save that for phone calls & personal e-mails.
but who will listen?
& who will want 2 come on the show?

why everyone of course!
no one with a sexy voice, good diction, or anything to say that's not self promoting need apply.
the skirted vanity table only talks about itself with others who talk about themselves (& about everyone else off air). speaking about urself in the third person is a plus on the skirted vanity table! brush up on sugar coating, fawning, & barely hiding envy cloaked as admiration.
don't take this all 2 seriously. after all it's just a stupid funny little vanity project. but don't underestimate it. bravo tv has come courting the skirted vanity table. maybe it will be the next wendy williams crossover show from (blog) radio 2 tv!

please submit topics ud like 2 hear on the air.

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